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Disclaimer for Players Participating in ESA HK Centre
I acknowledge that due to the nature of sports, injuries can occur when training at the Elite Skills Arena Hong Kong Centre. I am fully aware and accept sole and unconditional responsibility for the health and safety of myself or others under my care (adult or child) in the football environment, including risk of personal injury, property damage and other losses/damage that I or other under my care (adult or child) may incur while attending, exercising, or participating in trainings. I agree whilst attending any training at the Elite Skills Arena Hong Kong Centre that to the maximum extent permitted by law I absolve and shall hold Elite Skills Arena Hong Kong and Elite Skills Arena East Asia Limited harmless and fully indemnify them from all liability arising out of any injury to myself or others under my care (adult or child).
I release and forever discharge Elite Skills Arena East Asia Limited, its coaches, representatives, employees, partners of individuals or otherwise from any or all claims, cause of actions, known or unknown, suits, actions, demands or right to compensation for damages that I may have on behalf of myself or others under my care (adult or child) in connection with participating at the Elite Skills Arena Hong Kong Centre. I authorise Elite Skills Arena East Asia Limited, its coaches, representatives, and employees to arrange medical or hospital treatment for myself or others under my care (adult or child) if I am unable to do so.
I understand that is it my full responsibility to make sure I or others under my care (adult or child) is in good physical condition and able to participate in training. I further confirm that by agreeing to be enrolled in the training programme, I do so at my own risk, and that I or others under my care (adult or child) is voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of any resulting injury. Finally, I confirm that I fully understand that the legal implications of this Disclaimer and do herby expressly accept and agree to be bound and abide by this Disclaimer in full out of my/our own wishes.